Vintage Hunting All Around The World

Vintage Hunting All Around The World

Vintage Shopping in New York

"Vintage Hunting Around The World"

If you are a regular visitor to our website, and really should be because new things are added daily, you might have noticed our new homepage photo? And if like me you LOVE traveling you might also notice a very famous Central Park in the background?
 Vintage Hunting All Around The World- Ada's Attic Vintage
One of the most asked questions I get is "where do you find all of your stock" as everyone knows that I take great pride in the fact that everything in my shop is handpicked, my answer to the question? Everywhere!! I am always on the lookout where ever I am; of course I do my research and like to take Ada's Attic Vintage on the road with me whenever I can. Last month I went to New York, I am sure a lot of you are bored to death with this now if you follow me on Instagram! sorry peeps, we spent 5 days there and mixed up our days with sightseeing, eating and of course buying so amazing new pieces for you lovely people.

 "I am always on the lookout where ever I am"

 We went all over the city from Brooklyn to the Upper East Side and we had a blast! The new pieces have already gone live on our site and new pieces are being added daily. To check out or New York Collection click here.

"Shop the New York Collection Here" 

And if you haven't already signed up to our mailing list, what are you waiting for? Do so here and get £10 off your 1st order.
 Where would you like me to go vintage hunting for you next? Imagine what I could find you!
Love Ada's xxx
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