The Trend of Politics in Fashion
Fashion and politics may not be two things that you would associate with each other and you wouldn't be alone. But with fashion long being a way to show what you believe in; from the sub-cultures you associate with, Mod, Punks, Hippies and even Emo if you were a teen in the 2000s, to the music you listen too, a heavy metal fan wouldn't be seen dead in flares and crochet tops as favoured by the peace loving hippies of the 70s and vice versa of course and to your political beliefs by wearing them proudly written across you chest for the world to see.

With Katherine Hamnett the crowning queen of the political slogan t-shirt which she released in 1981. Her designs famously include "CHOOSE LIFE", "EDUCATION NOT MISSILES", "WORLDWIDE NUCLEAR BAN NOW", "PEACE", "SAVE THE WORLD", "YOU - ME SAVE THE SEA", "CLEAN UP OR DIE" and "SAVE THE FUTURE" are synonymous with the 80s and still just as cool and sadly still as appropriate 37 years later.

With the British Fashion Council is now supporting the call for a People's Vote, for a second referendum on the dreaded B-word, after MP's rejected Thersea May's latest Brexit deal. With slogan t-shirts being printed and worn by many it seems that fashion and politics have crashed courses again. 2019's political t-shirts baring the slogan "SECOND REFERENDUM NOW. IN A DEMOCRACY PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE THEIR MINDS", granted not as witty as Hamnett's 80s slogans, but still just as eye catching using the same bold block graphic text and 80s styling are now becoming common place. Aptly on Katherine Hamnett's website she is also selling anti Brexit t-shirt in a variety of designs on the front with quotes from politicians and the European parliament. The back features a suggested second referendum letter template and how you can register your concerns and that MPs work for us. All profits from the sale of Brexit t-shirts on Hamnetts website are being donated to spread Cancel Brexit message further and support grassroots campaigns.

With the fashion industry worth an amazing £32 billion to the economy The British Fashion Council conducted its own survey amongst fashion industry professionals and a staggering 90% of those surveyed wanted to remain in the EU. Fashion is a global industry in the sense that fabrics are bought and garments manufactured in countries with specialist skills and talent all over the world including European countries of France, Italy, Portugal & Romania to name just a few and is a transient industry that works on the ability to travel freely. Sarah Mover, a fashion critic, spoke to Vogue and said "We are facing a national emergency; the politicians have failed to show that they have concern to protect jobs in Fashion or any other UK industry. A people's vote needs to be called"

With the debate set to continue and with fashions deep rooted history in expressing our beliefs and voice our opinions in a well mannered way I think fashion and politics are set to have a long yet turbulent future. If you prefer to listen that read about fashion, head over to my daily fashion podcast "Fashion Pod 101" here.
Thanks so much Rachael XXX